The Capitol Theatre is a 1920 Heritage Theatre in Downtown Windsor, Ontario. Shared entrance/lobby space with 2 theatres (620 seats/200 seats) and flexible reception room.
Main Theatre: “The Pentastar”. 620 fixed theatre seats (500 main floor & 120 balcony)
Mid-Size Theatre: “The Kelly”. 200 fixed theatre seats. Permanent film screen on stage.
Reception/Meeting Room: “The Joy”. 60-80 loose seating or standing.
620 fixed theatre seats (500 main floor & 120 balcony)
Lighting, audio, screen and projector (laser projector)
6 dressing rooms
Dimensions: Proscenium is 48’ wide x 21’ high; stage is 30’ deep from proscenium to back wall (curtain options available to reduce stage size)
Load In Area: Entrance from Pelissier Street (one way heading north). Load in Door Opening Size: 5’11×10’. Enters on to stage right.
Cordless mics available for additional cost
4:3 screen and projector available for cost
Wheelchair accessible seating is available on main floor.
See Seating Map – Pentastar for details
KELLY THEATRE – Midsize theatre
200 fixed theatre seats
Intimate stage. Permanent film screen on stage.
Lighting, audio, screen and projector (laser projector)
2 dressing rooms
Wheelchair accessible seating available.
Stage size: 30’ wide x 10’ deep (in front of projection screen)
Load In Area: Entrance from Alley on West side of building or Front Theatre doors.
See Seating Map – Kelly for details
Pentastar Seating MapKelly Seating MapPentastar Line Set Plot