Celebrate the legacy of the Capitol Theatre by participating in our Video Project! Submit a brief video sharing your favourite memory of the Capitol Theatre.
1. Let us know you are interested by email 100years@capitoltheatrewindsor.ca
2. Review our Question Guide below.
3. Using your phone, tablet, or laptop camera – record yourself answering. The end product will be edited, so please don’t feel pressured to answer in one take.
4. Send your submission by using WeTransfer (Instructions below)
5. Send us an email with your name (how you would like it to appear printed in the video) and if applicable, your logo graphic (high res) and social media links.
1. Go to: wetransfer.com
2. + Add your file
3. Email To: production@windsorsymphony.com
4. Enter your Email
5. Message: Capitol Video Compilation (Organization Name)
6. Click Transfer
7. You will receive a verification code in your email. Please enter this verification code.
8. Your transfer will take a few minutes to process. Do not close your browser window until complete.
If you need assistance with submitting your video, please contact us.
1. State your name (and organization if relevant)
2. What is your favourite memory of the Capitol Theatre?
3. Share your thoughts or well wishes on the Capitol’s 100th Anniversary.
4. What does the Capitol mean to you/the community?
o Have fun! Be creative!
o Set up your camera in horizontal rather than portrait orientation.
o When possible, use natural lighting (i.e. beside a window) over artificial lighting.
o Always shoot and review a short test video before filming your actual take.
o If available to you, use a clip-on lapel mic or similar for clear audio. In general, always try to get the microphone as close to the person speaking as possible.
o Avoid wearing intricate patterns or tight stripes. Avoid busy backgrounds or things that will draw away the viewers’ attention. Be sure to tidy up your filming space.
o Try to frame the speaker in the shot with a little bit of space on each side of the speaker.
o Avoid cutting off anything dramatically (ie. frame ending in the middle of someone’s forehead) when you’re framing your shot.
o A good starting point is from the shoulders to just above the top of the head of the person speaking.
o Think about what you’d like to say before starting your recording. Try to avoid using words like “um, like, uh, well”. Write out speaking points on a board just behind your camera if you need prompts.
o Eye lines. Imagine the camera is someone you are speaking to. Looking directly into or just above the camera looks natural.
o Make sure the subject’s face is in sharp focus, get someone to help you if needed.
o Shoot in 1920px x 1080px, or on your camera/cell phone’s highest quality setting.
o Please attach any relevant photographs to your video submission.
o Please note that not all the videos submitted will be included in the final video.
Photos ♦ Video ♦ Hand written ♦ In Person
Please include: Name, Contact Phone or Email, Description and Approximate Year of Memory on all submissions
Memories may be displayed or used in future promotion, print, and archives.
Email 100years@capitoltheatrewindsor.ca
Photos are best at 300 dpi resolution. If you need assistance, please contact the office.
Pick up a “Project Memories Postcard” at the Capitol Theatre and drop it off at the Box Office.
In Person Delivery
Photos, artifacts, video files, postcards, etc at:
Capitol Theatre Windsor
121 University Ave W,
Windsor ON N9A 5P4
Or call us at 519-973-1238 for details.