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A Hero’s Symphony

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Beethoven was considered an innovator of his time and created a total of nine symphonies. Over 200 years ago, in 1803 he premiered Symphony No.3, an enlightening, unprecedented piece of music that expands the understanding of life and the world around him. This revolutionary symphony was originally inspired by the story of Prometheus, creator of man from clay. It is battle-like in nature, leads into a funeral march for a hero, eventually landing in the Fields of Elysium in the Underworld. People were not ready for this symphony and its depth. However, a mere 1 year later, this piece cemented Beethoven’s place in musical history and changed the idea of what a symphony could be.

Robert Franz, conductor

Concert Sponsor: Barbara O’Neill and Robert Wigle
Series Sponsor: Bill and Rochelle Tepperman

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Pentastar - in Capitol Theatre
121 University Avenue West Windsor Ontario N9A 5P4 Canada

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