Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Black Kids in Action Presents a Black History Month production: “How Did We Get Here”
From our journey, our experiences, and our struggles we tell our stories and we relate them to the histories of the past and try to correlate them with the happenings in the present. “How Did We Get Here” is a stage production that tells of how the youths struggle to understand, that despite every achievements of black people, their voices are still not heard. These are real life stories.
Early bird tickets: $30
After January 31st: $35
At door: $40
Contact Marcia Pivotte for tickets.
Phone: (519) 566-8791
Email: bkiayouths2019@gmail.com
Buy Tickets
Kelly - in Capitol Theatre
121 University Avenue West Windsor Ontario N9A 5P4 Canada